My ideal is to become a [name of profession/field]. I have been fascinated by this field since I was a child, and I believe that it is important to contribute to society. By pursing this profession, I hope to [describe what you hope to achieve in this field/how your actions will benefit society].
For example, if your ideal is to become a teacher, you can say:
“My ideal is to become a teacher. I have been fascinated by the idea of passing on knowledge and instilling a love of learning in children since I was a child. By pursing this profession, I hope to inspire future generations and help them achieve their full potential.”
If you want to emphasize the reasons why you are attracted to this profession/field, you can add:
Apart from that, I find [describe what aspect of the profession/field that attracts you] extremely fascinating. [Provide details about what aspect of the profession/field attracts you]. For example, if you find teaching fascinating because it allows you to shape young minds, you can say:
“Apart from that, I find the idea of shaping young minds and instilling a love of learning in children extremely fascinating. When I see a child’s eyes light up after understanding a new concept or principle, it fills me with a sense of achievement and fulfillment.”
If you want to add more about your long-term goals or how you plan to achieve your ideal, you can say:
“In the future, I hope to [describe your long-term goal/plan]. To achieve this, I plan to [describe your plan/steps to achieve your goal]. For example, if your long-term goal is to become a principal, you can say:
“In the future, I hope to become a principal. To achieve this, I plan to acquire further qualifications and training in educational leadership and management.”
Remember to use enthusiastic and confident language to convey your passion for your ideal.
- 我太无聊了
- hwerw yruyruyrye546346w56treytryryee
- 感觉他有点喜欢我,我对他也不知道什么感觉,但现实感觉他不是我找男朋友理想的样子,我朋友都说他人蛮好的,我该怎么做
- 冲动是魔鬼!
- 做客,
- 可以
- 前段时间老师梦到我有对象了,而且都是我的理想型,,,但是事实上我没有,梦里我们很甜蜜很相爱,怎么回事???
- 正常的,青春期的表现。但是要以一个好的心态来看待!
- 问题补充: 要有名字的 不要只有描素 最好是最近的 最好如果有说到理想型是韩国艺人的话 就不要说国外的~感谢
- 金泰妍
- 阿米们,我不是闵玧其的理想型,我身高1.68比他小十岁,就真的真的不能跟他在一起了吗?他真的不会破例接受旦龚测夹爻蝗诧伟超连我这个喜欢HipHop害羞话不多的女生吗?
- 如果他有家庭,孩子。劝你别这样,双十年华只有一次。好好掌握吧
- 他抽烟喝酒,偶尔还会打架,是那种典型的很让老师头疼的学生。一开始我也以为自己会讨厌他,可不知道为什么竟然跟他很聊的来,他也并不像别人口中那么坏,我们就这样慢慢熟悉了,有时候周末他会带我出去玩,我也在引导他学习。也许是他很会撩吧,有时候无意间几个动作就会让我心动。我就在不知不觉间喜欢上他了。可学校里也开始传我们之间的事,说的还挺难听的,为此老师找了我们谈话。在那之后他好像就跟我慢慢疏远了,他说他不想让那些人那么诋毁我的名声。可我真的觉得无所谓,只要能跟他在一起,离他近一点就好。我这是怎么了?
- 你要相信你自己的辨识能力,但是你品学兼优,一定要把握好自己的这个优势,并且继续努力,而他如果没有出现特别社会的行为就都还好,你和他之间的相处可以在一定的距离之中继续下去,但是切记你自己目前的学习任务,不能因为他改变了你的生活和学习,大不必听从同学的不好言语,相信自己就好,至于家长和老师,如实说明就好。学会保护自己
- 选第二个,第一个胸大臀大肉太多了,第二个身材苗条,匀称,体格好。
- 我喜欢第二个和第三个
- 暖男受欢迎