
soary darling.this sweatshirt is mine是什么意思

  • soary darling.this sweatshirt is mine是什么意思
  • sorry darling. this sweatshirt is mine对不起亲爱的。这运动衫是我的


  • waitforyoumydarling是什么意思
  • wait for you my darling等你我亲爱的wait for you my darling等你我亲爱的wait for you my darling等你我亲爱的


  • darling这是什么意思翻译成中文叫什么
  • 亲,亲爱的意思

darling 是什么意思?

  • darling 是什么意思?
  • 亲爱的

请问“he was a good age"是什么意思?

  • 语境如下:Horton Dennis,born Darlington,1836,died New York,1920.In 1920 he went to teach in New York and died there suddenly after only three weeks.Still he was a good age.
  • 他仍然是一个很好的年龄

留言 love you再加三个w是什么意思

  • 留言 love you再加三个w是什么意思
  • www是网址吧 love you 英[lv ju:] 美[lv ju] [词典] 爱你; [网络] 我爱你; 爱上你; 掸骸侧缴乇剂岔烯唱楼 爱你; [例句]Oh darling, I love you.啊,宝贝儿,我爱你。双语例句百度百科百度知道

l love you so much much是什么意思

  • l love you so much much是什么意思
  • l love you so much m辅範滇既鄄焕殿唯东沥uch我爱你这么多love you英 [lv ju:] 美 [lv ju] 词典爱你网络我爱你; 爱上你; 爱你 双语例句 1Oh darling, I love you. 啊,宝贝儿,我爱你。


  • hopetomeetspecialsomeoneinthisstrangecity,liveeachotnerandhelp是什么意思
  • hope to meet special some one in this strange city,live each otner and help在这个陌生的城市希望遇到特殊的人,一起生活互相帮助special 英[spel] 美[spl] adj. 特殊的; 专用的; 专门的; 重要的; n. 迹钉管固攮改归爽害鲸专车; 特价; 特刊; 特约稿; [例句]Youre very special to me, darling.亲爱的,你对我来说很重要。[其他] 比较级:more special 最高级:most special 复数:specials形近词: species specify thecial


  • love.for.everone是什么意思
  • 曲名:Eyes on me歌手:王菲   Whenever sang my songs   On the stage ’ on my own   Whenever said my words   Wishing they would be heard   I saw you smiling at me   Was it real or just my fantasy   You’d always be there in the corner   Of this tiny little bar   My last night here for you   samg old songs ’ just once more   My last night here with you ?   Maybe yes ’ maybe no   I kind of liked it your way   How you shyly placed your eyes on me   Oh ’ did you ever know ?   That I had mine on you   Darling ’ so there you are   With that look on your face   As if you’re never hurt   As if you’re never down   Shall I be the one for you   Who pinches you softly but sure   If frown is shown then   I will know that you are on dreamer   So let me come to you   Close as I wanted to be   Close enough for me   To feel your heart beating fast   And stay there as I whisper   How I love you peaceful eyes on me   Did you ever know   That I had mine on you   Darling ’ so share with me   Your love if you have enough   Your tests if you’re holding back   Or pain if that’s what it is   How can I let you know   I’m more than the dress and the voice   Just reach me out then   You will know that you’re not dreaming  碃涪百皇知郝版酮保捆 Darling ’ so there you are   With that look on your face   As if you’re never hurt   As if you’re never down   Shall I be the one for you   Who pinches you softly but sure   If frown is shown then   I will know that you are on dreamer  ……余下全文


  • 老婆英文是什么意思啊
  • wife 妻子,老婆honey (口语)老婆darling (口语)老婆祝你学业进步


