

“Fun” 和 “enjoy” 都是动词,但用法和含义略有不同。

“Fun” 通常是一个形容词,表示一种有趣的、愉悦的或令人兴奋的活动或事物。例如:”She has a fun time at the beach.”(她喜欢在海滩上度过愉快的时光。)”

“enjoy” 则是一个动词,表示享受、欣赏、满意或喜爱某个事物或活动。例如:”I enjoy reading books on programming.”(我喜欢阅读关于编程的书籍。)”



enjoy的使用方法:一、enjoy只用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。可用于被动结构。They enjoy the fruits of their hard labor.他们享受自己辛勤努力的成果。二、enjoy作“观赏”解时,后面可以接表示时间的状语。三、enjoy后面常接反身代词作宾语,表示“玩得快乐,过得快活”,其后多接动名词。I enjoy hunting. 我很享受打猎。五、一般来说,enjoy作为及物动词,后总是会带有一个宾语,当我们要表示“玩的很愉快”时,可用enjoy oneself。enjoy的近义词有banquet , feast。一、feast英 [fi?st] 美 [fist] vt. 享受;款待,宴请n. 筵席,宴会;节日vi. 享受;参加宴会1、Lunch was a feast of meat and vegetables, cheese, yoghurt and fruit, with unlimited wine.午餐是一场盛宴,有肉、蔬菜、奶酪、酸奶和水果,以及不限量的葡萄酒。2、The fruit was often served at wedding feasts.婚宴上常有水果供应。二、banquet英 [‘b??kw?t] 美 [‘b??kw?t] n. 宴会,盛宴;宴请,款待vt. 宴请,设宴款待vi. 参加宴会n. (Banquet)人名;(法)邦凯;(西)班克特1、She ushered at the banquet. 她在宴会上作招待员。2、They commemorated their victories with a grand banquet. 他们举行盛大宴会庆祝胜利。




1、I hope you enjoy。

2、Lastly, enjoy the process。

3、I really enjoy swimming。

4、Some people enjoy using incense。

5、Do you enjoy this dish?

6、Did you enjoy this post?

7、What did you most enjoy?

8、Jake: Well, I enjoy reporting。

9、Nothing splendid, we just enjoy being together。

10、I enjoy working in a coffeehouse。

11、I enjoy the book very much。

12、The agriculture accounts can enjoy dividend policy。

13、Ts enjoy ourselves and damn the consequences。

14、We enjoy talking about how to build our future!

15、Those who enjoy this kind of humour reek of madness。

you should enjoy the beauty of the tree是什么意思

  • you should enjoy the beauty of the tree是什么意思
  • 你应该喜欢大树的美

wrote enjoyed什么意思

  • wrote 基本解释[变形] write的动词过去式write的过去式wrote 同义词v. compose writewrote 网络解释1. 书写 wrongly 不正当地 | wrote 书写 | wroth 愤怒的2. 魔女奇奇 魔女奇奇 wrote: | 刘希,你今晚有空吗 xi liu, are u free tonight? | 我要背单词 I am going to study English.3. 写作 translated 翻译 | wrote 写作 | allocated 分配4. 写 Won 胜利 | Worked 工作 | Wrote 写wrote 网络例句1. Do you want to know what I wrote? 你想知道我写的是什么吗?2. One of the great early writers wrote that…… 一位伟大的作家曾写到。。。。。。3. I am the person who wrote to you. 我是写信给你的那个人。4. And he wrote," I was wrong." 他写道:"我错了。"5. I do not know if you can not understand what 孩筏粉禾莠鼓疯态弗卡I wrote? 我不知道你能不能理解我在写些什么?6. I`m not God, but I want to talk to you, she wrote. 我不是上帝,但我想对你说,她写道。7. Although I dont know that the top wrote what, but…… 虽然我不知道上面写了什么,可是。。。。。。

visitors can enjoy thenselves in over water hotels什么意思

  • visitors can enjoy thenselves in over …的中文翻译visitors can enjoy thenselves in over water hot笭沪蒂疚郦狡垫挟叮锚els 游客可以享受自己在水上的酒店

These reporters enjoy following film stars什么意思?

  • 你孩担粉杆莠访疯诗弗涧好!These reporters enjoy following film stars这些记者喜欢电影明星

the world is his who enjoys it.是什么意思

  • the world is his who e迹笭管蝗攮豪归通害坤njoys it世界是他喜欢的人 拼音 双语对照 双语例句1The world is his who enjoys it. 世界属于欣赏世界的人。

the ten things you would enjoy 是什么意思

  • the ten things you would enjoy 你会喜欢的十件事

the best way to relax yourself is to enjoy the hot springs there,什么意思

  • the best way to relax yourself is to e…的中文翻译the best way to relax yourself is to enjoy the hot springs there, 放松自己的最旦珐测貉爻股诧瘫超凯好的方法是享受那里的温泉,

she bought a bag of souvenires.she enjoyed her trip very 是什么意思

  • 翻译:她买了一袋纪念品,她很喜欢她的旅行。

i enjoyed my in the piano concert 是什么意思

  • i enjoye粻害纲轿蕺计告袭梗陋d my in the piano concert我喜欢我的钢琴演奏会i enjoyed my in the piano concert我喜欢我的钢琴演奏会

